Let’s embrace nonconformity, inspired by the revolutionary spirit of Christ!

Just as Jesus challenged the prevailing ideas and practices of his time, we're called to defy worldly norms and transform our minds to align with God's will.  

  • We reflect on scriptures like Romans 12:1-2.
  • Explore the power of sacrificing our desires.
  • Conforming only to God's standards.

Let’s embrace nonconformity, inspired by the revolutionary spirit of Christ. 

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Explore the impact of 'BUT GOD' moments and how they can shift our perspectives.

We experience many “But God” moments in life, where despite facing overwhelming odds or challenges, faith in God’s intervention brings hope and resolution. While the world may be filled with difficulties and distractions, God’s presence can bring peace and deliverance, especially in areas like relationships, work, and personal struggles. 

“But” is a simple, yet significant word that operates as a conjunction that introduces a contrasting clause. A “But God” signals a shift from despair to hope, weakness to strength, or bondage to freedom. There are many scriptures that illustrate this point, showcasing instances where God’s intervention turned seemingly impossible situations into victories. Hallelujah! Click this link to hear the entire message! BUT GOD!

Listen to the devotion and song below!

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Awareness, Acceptance, and Accountability is the catalyst for healing!

Reflect on:

1️⃣The experiences that caused you pain.
2️⃣The circumstances that left you questioning your worth.
3️⃣The encounters that encouraged evaluating if life was worth living.
4️⃣The situations that have you doubting every decision you made.
5️⃣The outcomes of those choices that left you in fear of moving forward in a worthy and confident manner.
In those incidents:

✅Consider where you were mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, but be gentle with yourself.
✅Identify if there is any space where you hold some accountability.

If so, acknowledge and accept your role and let the healing begin.

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